Cold brew

Trust the process

“Our ground-breaking cold brew process unveils an extraordinary richness and intricacy to confidently elevate the spirit.”


Our roasting profile for this blend matches a traditional style of coffee.

Each bean type is roasted separately before blending providing accurate control on flavour profiles.

A robust roast allows for rounded flavour profile as a cold brew.


We piece together our coffee beans and blends with liquor pairing in mind. This is very often overlooked, and it is a fine balance that we spend a lot of time perfecting.

Our aim is to generate powerful coffee flavours to elevate that spirit and stand tall in any cocktail creation.


A larger particle size suits the brew time and extraction of complex flavours. Our uniform and gentle grinding delivers a consistent particle size.

Our measured cooling fan ensures our coffee is ground under minimal heat while under peak demand, releasing an optimal flavour from the coffee blend.


An integral element. Ours is an ultra-pure reverse osmosis and UV treated water.

Free of impurities and anything that will get in the way of our coffee flavours during the extraction.


The cold water extraction process aids the specialty coffee in retaining its smooth, sweet and full-bodied character.

A high strength, high concentration brew is produced for maximum flavour. We are cautious not to aggressively agitate the coffee; to mix well, so that we prioritise extracting the coffee flavours that we want.


Transformed in to a complex and rich coffee liquid.

Refreshing, flavourful and powerful.

A rich and viscous consistency makes this cold brew perfect liquor pairing.

“With Broken Bean we wanted to provide drinkers with innovative cocktail creations using two things Aussies do so well; coffee and spirits”